I’ve Launched FobOff.co.uk

A few blogs back I blogged about FobOff. I made it in about 4 hours after wanting to refresh my PHP skills, my current job uses 0% PHP, my old job used 98% PHP, so once you’ve taken the time to learn it you should really keep it fresh in the head.

Anyway, skip to yesterday where I ‘officially’ launched FobOff.co.uk. That basically meant I pulled my finger out, registered a domain and moved it there. Easy!

Do check it out, share it, tell people about it, blog about it and stuff – I’d like people around the world to be fobbing people off with something I made!

Do let me know what you think about it in the comments section too!

Blog Change

Hi all, as you may have noticed I’ve moved by blog from Blogspot to WordPress. Blogspot stopped you from hosting it on your own website, which I prefer really – so I took the dive and moved to WordPress.

Whilst I’m pretty good with this web stuff, I did wonder how easy it would be to install WordPress – they have a special 5 minute installation thing, which took less then that – then a plugin to move everything from Blogspot to here took care of the rest!

So, welcome to the new blog – my August resolution? To update it!